Wednesday, 5 November 2014

The Battle for Hadozeko

...So I have found my isk challenges have currently been solved.  I made about 60,000LP from running defensive complexes in an hour (see my last post for details of those adventures).  This translated to about 35 million isk.  Mind you I have lost most of that already and to what was a hell of a lot of fun...

After awakening back in my original system I headed back to the newbie system to finish the last few missions in the tutorials and then headed to Myyhera which had a 24th Imperial Crusade office to hand in my LP.  I traded it for some skill books which I promptly took to Amarr and sold for about 35 million isk.  I fitted up a couple of new tackle executioners and headed back to the war zone in the first one.

I joined the fist advertised fleet.  Upon joining fleet communications the ENTIRE fleet went silent.  Who was this new-bro in fleet and comms?  Whispers of a spy started in fleet started and I realised they were talking about me.  I found out later that the Minmatar occasionally recruit new Amarrian capsuleers to infiltrate the Amarrian militia fleets and gather intel on movements and fleet compositions...  I guess the fleet must have just thought its better to be safe than sorry...  So I introduced myself...  After that the usual fleet chatter started again and I was given the destination of Hadozeko of which I burned to in a few short minutes.  

As I arrived the Fleet Commander called for all small ships to move to Resbroko, I announced my arrival and that I would join the skirmish group.  A battle was about to start for a Small Outpost (of which only frigate and destroyer sized ships can enter).  I jumped system and warped over to the Small Outpost were friendly pilots were already calling out for assistance.  As I entered the outpost the combat commander called for propulsion and warp drive disruptor's to be placed on the Dramiel (a very fast pirate faction frigate with the added bonus of a deadly flight of drones).  As ordered I activated my warp distruptor and stasis web pointed on the Dramiel, he couldn't move (as fast).  Realising he was doomed with my hold on him he quickly switched his guns and drones to me.  I was back in my capsule before I knew it but noticed as I warped off that the Dramiel exploded moments later...  The fight was already a success.  

I moved back to Amarr where I gathered my thoughts.  I found out later that Hadozeko had fallen and soon be back in the control of the Amarr Empire!

Materia Out!

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